Living Planet Symposium 2022
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Dr. Lorenzo Palombi
Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara” – National Research Council (CNR-IFAC) Afghanistan
  • Presentation The Horizon 2020 project SURPRISE: Designing a Compressive Sensing Demonstrator of an Earth Observation Payload in the Visible and Medium Infrared, Instrumental Concept and Potential Applications. Author
    Date: 24.05.2022 , Time: 18:12 | Topic: Poster Session
  • Presentation Experimental tests for the detection and characterisation of Plastic Marine Litter by means of fluorescence LIDAR technique Author
    Date: 25.05.2022 , Time: 11:40 | Topic: Understand Earth Systems
  • Presentation A new multispectral space sensor in the MWIR spectral region for high temperatures events – The SISSI Project Author
    Date: 25.05.2022 , Time: 17:20 | Topic: Poster Session
  • Presentation Airborne backscatter LIDAR data over the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and their processing for the Detection of Marine Litter: pros and cons analysis Speaker
    Date: 25.05.2022 , Time: 17:20 | Topic: Poster Session

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