Living Planet Symposium 2022
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Dr. Thierry Pellarin
CNRS France
  • Presentation The continuity of L-band observations with an increased spatial resolution: the SMOS-HR concept Author
    Date: 24.05.2022 , Time: 16:25 | Topic: Advance Future Technology for Earth Observation Missions
  • Presentation Detection and evolution (2010-2021) of irrigated areas and volumes over Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East using SMOS and SMAP soil moisture measurements Speaker
    Date: 25.05.2022 , Time: 17:20 | Topic: Poster Session
  • Presentation Hyper-resolution hydrological modelling of West Africa using Parflow-CLM and assessment using altimetry, gravimetry and microwave remote sensing measurements Speaker
    Date: 27.05.2022 , Time: 09:00 | Topic: Understand Earth Systems

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