Living Planet Symposium 2022
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Dr. Carlo Arosio
Institut für Umweltphysik, Universität Bremen Germany
  • Presentation Seasonal and regional stratospheric ozone profile trends evaluated using merged satellite datasets Author
    Date: 24.05.2022 , Time: 16:25 | Topic: Understand Earth Systems
  • Presentation Global ozone recovery trends in total ozone from observations and chemistry-climate modelling Author
    Date: 24.05.2022 , Time: 16:40 | Topic: Understand Earth Systems
  • Presentation Investigating longitudinally resolved long-term ozone changes in the stratosphere using satellite limb observations and CTM simulations Speaker
    Date: 24.05.2022 , Time: 18:20 | Topic: Poster Session
  • Presentation Quality assessment of ozone Climate Data Records from ESA’s Climate Change Initiative (Ozone_cci+) for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Author
    Date: 26.05.2022 , Time: 17:32 | Topic: Poster Session

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