Living Planet Symposium 2022
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Dr. Pierdavide Coïsson
Institut de physique du globe de Paris France
  • Presentation NanoMagSat, an optimal New Space low-Earth orbiting nanosatellite constellation to investigate Earth’s magnetic field and ionospheric environment Author
    Date: 25.05.2022 , Time: 08:45 | Topic: Advance Future Technology for Earth Observation Missions
  • Presentation Swarm ASM burst-mode L1b data and the L2 whistler product they allow to derive Author
    Date: 26.05.2022 , Time: 09:00 | Topic: Advance Future Technology for Earth Observation Missions
  • Presentation Whistler in ELF detected from LEO: lightning detection and ionospheric monitoring using Swarm satellites and the future NanoMagSat mission Speaker
    Date: 26.05.2022 , Time: 14:15 | Topic: Understand Earth Systems
  • Presentation Coupling of electromagnetic waves between the magnetosphere and the topside ionosphere: new proposed science targets for the NanoMagSat mission Author
    Date: 26.05.2022 , Time: 17:35 | Topic: Poster Session

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