Living Planet Symposium 2022
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Gunter Schreier
DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Germany
  • Session C5.02.3 Big EO data - Platforms - Federations Chair(s)
    Date: 25.05.2022 , Time: 13:30 | Topic: Enable the Earth Observation Digital Transformation
  • Presentation The Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence as a world-class Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) for EO and Geospatial Information in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa (EMMENA): Joining forces in the Mediterranean Author
    Date: 25.05.2022 , Time: 17:20 | Topic: Poster Session
  • Presentation Toward a family of SAR ARD products Author
    Date: 27.05.2022 , Time: 09:45 | Topic: Advance Future Technology for Earth Observation Missions

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