This session brings together international space agencies and partners to present and discuss their current Earth observation missions and their plans for the future.
Session Organisers: Maurice Borgeaud (ESA), Ivan Petiteville (ESA)
-16:00 Welcome:
Maurice Borgeaud (Head of Science, Applications & Climate Department, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA) ;
Ivan Petiteville (Programme Coordinator, Programme & Coordination Office, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA)
-16:20 NASA Earth Science Division Overview: Karen St. Germain (Earth Science Division Director, NASA)
-16:35 JAXA's International Collaboration on Earth Observation to Address the Global Agenda: Koji Terada (Vice President – Director General Space Technology Directorate I, JAXA)
-16:50 Intervention TBC: Tidiane Ouattara (Space Expert and GMES & Africa Program Coordinator, AUC)
-17:05 Intervention TBC: Mitch Goldberg (Chief Scientist, NOAA)
-17:20 Intervention TBC: Raúl Kulichevsky(Executive and Technical Director, CONAE)
-17:35 Intervention TBC: Steward Bernard (Chief Scientist, SANSA)
-17:50 ISRO’s Earth Observation Programme Roadmap and International Obligations: Nilesh M. Desai (Director of Space Application Centre, ISRO)
-18:05 Q&A/Discussion
-18:10 Closing Remarks: Maurice Borgeaud (ESA), Ivan Petiteville (ESA)
-18:15 End of Session