The climate crisis is the most urgent challenge faced by humankind. As part of one of the three ‘Accelerators’ that will drive Europe’s increased use of space, the Space for a Green Future Accelerator will help Europe act to mitigate climate change. The audience can hear how it will provide actionable information, helping form the baseline for effective European adaptation strategies to support its Green Deal
Opening Introduction
-14:15 The Accelerators: Josef Aschbacher (Director General, ESA)
-14:30 Space for a Green Future Accelerator:
Simonetta Cheli (Director of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA)
-14:40 Earth Observation for the Green Deal: Mauro Facchini (Head of Unit for Earth Observation, DG DEFIS)
-14:50 Creating ‘Agency’ to Act: Chris Rapley
(Chair, European Space Science Committee)
-15:00 Accelerating the Use of Space in the Green Transition to Achieve Prosperity for All: Jacqueline McGlade (Professor, Institute for Global Prosperity and Faculty of Engineering, UCL)
-15:10 All Sensors on the Environment: Christian Mielke (Scientific officer at the Environmental Agency, UBA)
-15:20 Quantum Missions for Climate: Accelerating Space Solutions for a Green Future: Jurgen Kusche (Professor, University of Bonn, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation (IGG)
-15:30 Open Q&A from audience
-15:45 End of Session