Rémy Chalex | EUMETSAT | Germany
Régis Borde | EUMETSAT | Germany
Thomas Flament | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) | Germany
Gökhan Kayal | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) | Germany
Giordano Bruni | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) | Germany
Lars Fiedler | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) | Germany
Dr. Anne Grete Straume-Lindner | ESA - European Space Agency | Netherlands
Dr. Denny Wernham | ESA - ESTEC | Netherlands
Arnaud Hélière | European Space Agency (ESA)
This presentation introduces the EUMETSAT activities on a possible operational Doppler Wind LIDAR (DWL) mission based on the Aeolus-2 instrument & spacecraft currently under development by ESA.
This new DWL capability is intended as an expansion of the EUMETSAT Polar System Second Generation (EPS-SG) programme.
Originally identified as one of 20 candidate observation missions by the 2008-2009 EPS-SG User consultations, it was eventually not down-selected at the time as part of the Metop-SG payload complement mainly due to its low maturity.
Since then, the picture significantly evolved thanks to the 2018 launch of the ESA-Aeolus mission, demonstrating the maturity of space based DWL concept, as well as by showing significant and substantial beneficial impact in global NWP models as reflected by the operational assimilation of its data by several major European NWP centres since 2019.
On those bases, EUMETSAT and ESA agreed to establish a joint study roadmap on a possible operational DWL mission and to, in parallel, coordinate the assessment of the impact of Aeolus measurements on NWP.
In 2020, while ESA started a series of technology pre-developments and instrument & satellite studies, EUMETSAT initiated system phase 0/A activities with the objectives to assess the integration of such operational mission in its operational framework and begin the formulation of high-level mission, system & ground segment requirements.
By now, EUMETSAT and ESA jointly compiled an initial draft End User’s Requirement Document (EURD) based on mission observational requirements proposed by the Aeolus SAG (ASAG) directly derived from the Aeolus mission requirements.
The EUMETSAT system and ground segment architectural definition is also progressing with the objective to maximize the reuse of EUMETSAT assets to allow for a cost-effective mission.
As for the Aeolus data impact assessment on NWP, it is now ongoing, supported by a series of scientific studies and workshops.
Finally, EUMETSAT and ESA are also closely coordinating the preparation of their respective programme proposals while defining possible cooperation framework.