Description :
Purpose: This Agora will be a forum for discussion, at the critical time of the first Global Stocktake (GST) process. It will provide a status (the "Sprint" to GST 1) and a vision (on the "Marathon") of both European - through Copernicus - and International efforts. It will be an opportunity for feedback on priorities for further development, research, and the overall evolution in contributions of Systematic Observations to the System Approach.
Context: The Paris Agreement and the Global Stocktake process provide an unprecedented opportunity for the Earth Observation community to demonstrate its added value in addressing a key societal issue - Climate action. There is a clear policy need, a clear timeline with specific milestones, and a common ambition to address these challenges. We have started to put these ambitions into practice in Copernicus and through International coordination. Are we on the right track? what do we need to take into further consideration in the next decade? what are priorities for research and the further development of the system?
Scope: The Agora will address the European and International efforts on Systematic Observation and Earth Observation support of the Paris Agreement with emphasis on supporting MVS for the Global Stocktake.
Relevance to LPS22: This proposal addresses proposed themes on "The global climate", "Supporting national action towards Paris Goals”, and “EO and the carbon cycle”,
Format: Agora will include female and male contributions from key stakeholders. Introduction: a series of high-level keynote interventions from UNFCCC and the European Commission providing the policy context and counterpart presentations on the overall implementation strategy from the EC and CEOS SIT Chair (ESA). Two Panels: the core of the Agora, including Copernicus partners, international organizations, and research partners, and a 30 minute Q&A session. We would request a 2x90 minute Agora session, or 120 minutes minimum.
-Joanna Post, UNFCCC Secretariat
-Julia Marshall, German Aerospace Centre DLR
-Yasjka Mejier , European Space Agency/ESTEC
-Richard Engelen, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
-Lars Peter Riishojgaard, World Meteorological Organisation