Description :
Φ-lab is delighted to suggest 'Meet the Next GenEO' session (Next Generation in Earth Observation). These young scientists, EO passionate and AI enthusiasts, will be talking about what they do, what are the challenges and rewards of working in the AI4EO field. LPS22 gathers an impressive young and skilled community from diverse EO professional paths (industry, academia, government, and NGOs); therefore, it is a perfect event for networking and an opportunity to invite this young generation to join ESA’s NextGenEO community. An Agora session fits perfectly for the purpose by creating a friendly environment for all the Next GenEO professionals to give a flavour of their AI4EO experience. This session is planned to be shared by ESA’s Next GenEO and non-ESA’s NextGenEO panelists coming from a diverse and inclusive environment (gender, education, and organisation) to discuss together how to propagate AI4EO impact in all professional careers.
Maryam Pourshamsi - Earth Observation Scientist at ESA
Dominika Czyżewska - Remote Sensing Scientist at EUMETSAT
Erwan Rivault - Graphic Designer at BBC News
Dohyung Kim – Programme Specialist at Office of Global Innovation UNICEF NYHQ
15:45-15:50 – Rochelle opens the session [in person]
15:50-16:10 – Maryam Pourshamsi [20min, 17 talk + 3 Q&A] [in person]
16:10-16:30 – Dominika Czyzewska [20min, 17 talk + 3 Q&A] [in person]
16:30-16:50 – Erwan Rivault [20min, 17 talk + 3 Q&A] [in person]
16:50-17:10 – Dohyung Kim [20min, 17 talk + 3 Q&A] – [REMOTE]
17:10-17:15 – Rochelle closes the session [in person]