While many countries around the world continue to confront the challenges of COVID-19 and its variants; several developed and developing countries continue to face the consequences of natural hazards including severe forest fires in Algeria, Greece, the Russian Federation, Turkey, and the Unites States; destructive floods in Germany and the United States, powerful earthquakes in Haiti and Mexico, and droughts in Madagascar and Paraguay to name a few.
In case of a natural crisis, disaster relief workers often do not have up-to-date situation awareness information at local, regional, continental or even global level, which they would urgently need for many areas of operational decision-making and situation assessment. Therefore, the disaster management community seeks access to openly available, reliable data sources that can make spatially and temporally local statements on its most important operational issues. The space community continues to develop innovative solutions that can contribute to disaster risk reduction, preparedness and disaster response efforts. The International Charter Space and Major Disasters, the Copernicus Emergency Management Service and Sentinel Asia address the needs for space-based information in case of disasters. And several services and sources of data have been put at the disposal of users worldwide.
This networking session aims to bring together experts and participants to discuss ways to use the solutions developed by the space community and to identify challenges in developing countries that inhibit the use of such solutions.