Vincenzo Santacesaria | EUMETSAT | Germany
Cristina Martin-Puig | EUMETSAT | Afghanistan
Christophe Accadia | EUMETSAT
Dr. Rüdiger Lang | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) | Afghanistan
Lieven Bydekerke | EUMETSAT | Germany
Antoine Lacan
Remy Perin | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
Dany Provost | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
Dr. Cosimo Putignano | European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
As part of the Copernicus component of the European Union (EU) Space Programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) and EUMETSAT are preparing for the expansion of the Copernicus Space Infrastructure with new observation capabilities for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions, marine and polar areas. This includes in particular the development of an Anthropogenic CO2 Monitoring mission (CO2M), a Polar Ice and Snow Topography Mission (CRISTAL), and a Polar Ice and Ocean Imaging Microwave Radiometer Mission (CIMR).
Through a Contribution Agreement with the European Union, EUMETSAT was entrusted to contribute to the development of those three missions, taking up a different role for each of them.
EUMETSAT contributes to the development of a significant part of the CO2M ground segment and is responsible for the routine operations of the Anthropogenic CO2 Monitoring mission (CO2M). EUMETSAT will undertake the day-to-day routine satellite operations of CO2M and the continuous processing, monitoring, validation and, where needed, vicarious calibration of the payload data-products and their operational dissemination to users. ESA is contributing with the development of the space-segment and the remaining CO2M ground segment elements. ESA will also perform the satellite in-orbit verification activities and operate the satellites in this phase.
In the case of CRISTAL, when the mission is confirmed by the European Commission, EUMETSAT will be responsible for the deployment of data processing chains for global ocean products, including their validation aspects, in synergy with Sentinel-3/-6. This includes L1 and L2, as well as L2P/L3 products over global ocean.
In the case of CIMR, also subject to confirmation from the Commission, EUMETSAT will be responsible for the deployment of data processing chains for generating L2 products over the global ocean, in order to support marine and weather applications, extracting the associated geophysical parameters, in synergy with other relevant missions operated by EUMETSAT
This presentation provides an overview of the main logical elements of the CO2M operational ground segment. In particular, we provide an overview of the key parameters and products, which can be expected from CO2M and point to specific challenges for a future operational CO2 monitoring system.
In addition, the presentation addresses the activities within EUMETSAT in preparation for the potential CRISTAL and CIMR missions.