Florence Marti | Magellium, Toulouse (France) | France
Michaël Ablain | Magellium, Toulouse (France)
Maxime Chambon | Magellium, Toulouse (France)
Dr. Rémi Jugier | Magellium, Toulouse (France)
Germain Salgues | Magellium, Toulouse (France)
Joël Dorandeu | Magellium, Toulouse (France)
Dr. Simon Gascoin | CESBIO (CNRS/Université Toulouse 3/CNES/IRD/UPS), Toulouse, France
Zacharie Barrou Dumont | CESBIO (CNRS/Université Toulouse 3/CNES/IRD/UPS), Toulouse, France
Olivier HAGOLLE | CESBIO (CNRS/Université Toulouse 3/CNES/IRD/UPS), Toulouse, France
Monika Banaszek-Cymerman | Astri Polska, Poland
Paulina Jasiak | Astri Polska, Poland
Michael Kubicki | Astri Polska, Poland
Markus Hetzenecker | ENVEO IT GmbH, Austria
Dr. Gabriele Schwaizer | ENVEO IT GmbH, Austria
Dr. Thomas Nagler | ENVEO IT GmbH, Austria
Cemal Melih Tanis | Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Finland
Dr. Kari Luojus | Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Finland
Matteo Mattiuzzi | European Environment Agency (EEA)
Aurore Dupuis | CNES - Centre national d'études spatiales, France
Dr. Nicolas Picot | CNES - Centre national d'études spatiales, France
Snow cover and Lake Ice cover have been both specified by the Global Observing System for Climate (GCOS) as part of the 50 essential climate variables (ECVs) to be monitored by satellite remote sensing. They are relevant input parameters for forecasts in the field of weather, hydrology and water management, therefore essential for assessing natural hazards such as floods, avalanches or river ice jams and managing associated risks.
Since July 2020, under European Environment Agency (EEA) delegation, the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) operationally produces and disseminates Pan-European High-Resolution Snow & Ice products (HR-S&I) at high spatial resolution (20 m x 20 m and 60 m x 60 m). They are derived from high-resolution optical and radar satellite data, from the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 constellations respectively. Among near-real time (NRT) products, snow properties are described by two types of them.
Snow cover:
The Fractional Snow Cover (FSC) product provides the snow fraction at the Top Of Canopy (FSCTOC) and On Ground (FSCOG).
The daily cumulative Gap-filled Fractional Snow Cover (GFSC*) product provides a more complete FSC product, gap-filled both at spatial and temporal scales.
Snow state:
The Wet/Dry Snow (WDS) product differentiates the snow state within the snow mask defined by the FSCTOC information.
The SAR Wet Snow (SWS) product provides information on the wet snow extent in high-mountain areas.
Ice occurrences on the European hydrographic network are described by the River and Lake Ice Extent (RLIE) product. There are several RLIE products available, depending on their data source (either Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 or a combination of both types of observations).
HR-S&I products are generated over the entire EEA38 (32 member countries and 6 cooperating countries) and the United Kingdom. The Sentinel-1 archive data from September 2016 is currently being processed while Sentinel-2 based products are already available from September 1, 2016 onwards to users.
This new Copernicus Service component has been developed and is currently operated by a consortium led by Magellium in partnership with Astri Polska, Cesbio, ENVEO, FMI and Météo-France, contracted by EEA as entrusted entity of DG-DEFIS (European Commission - Directorate General Defense Industry and Space) for this service.
The service is based on preexisting Research & Development algorithms and products conducted by CESBIO and supported by CNES for FSC products (MAJA(1) and LIS(2)), conducted by ENVEO and FMI teams for wet snow and GFSC products(3,4), and by Astri Polska developments for ice products. These algorithms have been turned into operational conditions, based on the WEkEO DIAS European cloud infrastructure.
Maximum efforts are made to provide NRT HR-S&I products within the ideal user requirement timeliness, ie 12 hours after the sensing date the maximum acceptable time lag for time-critical applications such as avalanche bulletins, weather forecasting, etc. This timeliness depends mainly on the date of publication of Sentinel-2/1 data on the Copernicus Service Hub by ESA, then once this data is available, NRT HR-S&I products are published within a maximum of 3 hours.
The presentation aims at describing in detail this new component of the CLMS.
(1) MAJA: the MACCS-ATCOR Joint Algorithm provides atmospheric correction and cloud-screening module to generate L2A products. It is a software developed by CNES and CESBIO, with contributions from DLR (
(2) LIS: “Let It Snow” Snow detection algorithm: Gascoin, S., Grizonnet, M., Bouchet, M., Salgues, G., and Hagolle, O. (2018) Theia Snow collection: high resolution operational snow cover maps from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 data, Earth Syst. Sci. Data,
(3) Nagler T. and H. Rott. 2000. Retrieval of wet snow by means of multitemporal SAR data. . IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Remote Sensing. vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 754–765, Mar. 2000.
(4) Nagler T., H. Rott, E. Ripper, G. Bippus, and M. Hetzenecker. 2016. Advancements for Snowmelt Monitoring by Means of Sentinel-1 SAR. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(4), 348, DOI:10.3390/rs8040348.