Description :
The Open call represents the mechanism within the EO Programme to conduct highly innovative research and development projects under specific themes. This session will examine projects funded under the Open Call and will include a discussion session aimed at identifying how to introduce a little more structure since proposals received can be very wide ranging and can represent a challenge for ESA in their assessment and implementation. To maximise the return for all stakeholders, the objective is to try to identify a new approach that encompasses all the themes (Grand Science Challenges, AI4EO, EO Resilient Society, Regional Initiatives, EO4Security) and links the scheme better to other activities within ESA whilst maintaining the concept of innovation that is the core of the Open Call.
Partners: Open Call funded teams, EOP-SD, EOP-Phi, MS Delegates
Session Objectives
The objective of the Agora is:
• to get some feedback on how to change Open Call so it works for all sides (MS, ESA, Bidders) without impacting the innovation/openness aspect.
• to pass message that it is currently a major task to manage (in facts and figures - 4 boards/year with over 200 bids to review i.e. approx 50 per board, nominal success rates, review process.
• demonstrate what makes a good proposal (innovation, risk, achievability)
• to identify constraints/programmatic borders such that expectation in terms of the return is realistic.
The Agora will be organised around a Panel featuring:
• Delegate from a Member State (Michael Bock)
• Representative from EOP-Phi: Sveinung Loekken
• Project Opinions - CYMS: Francois Salout
• Project Opinions – SeasFire: Ioannis Papoutsis
• Representative from EOP-S – Stephen Plummer
• Representative from EOP-G – Anja Stromme
The Panel and Audience questions/discussion will be managed by a mediator – Stephen Plummer
12:55 – 13:00 Welcome and Introduction to The Panel (Stephen Plummer/The Panel)
13:00 – 13:10 The Open Call – Facts and Figures (Sveinung Loekken)
13:10 – 13:15 What makes a Good Proposal (Ioannis Papoutsis)
13:15 – 13:20 What makes a Good Proposal (Francois Salout)
13:20 – 13:25 The Open Call – How can we do better (Michael Bock)
13:25 – 13:30 The Open Call – Issues for discussion from ESA (Anja Stromme)
13:30 – 13:50 Open discussion (Stephen Plummer)
13:50 – 13:55 Summary Recommendations – Evolution of the Open call (1 slide - 5 bullet points) (Sveinung Loekken)
• How can we improve the procurement approach for the next block of FutureEO?
o Where are the gaps in the current call? e.g. Modelling for EO?
o We currently fund from EOP-S and EOP-Phi – should this be wider within EOP or even further?
o Should we increase budget envelope in the programme/per project?
o Is there a better way to utilise the budget (fewer calls per year/fixed dates?)
o Can we improve the administrative side – feedback early to unsuccessful bidders, message in ESA STAR on call status when it changes?
• How can we improve the coordination with other programmes
o How can we quickly identify proposals within EO that might be better in other programmes e.g. TIA/Incubed
o How can we
o How can we/should we align the Open Call to other ongoing activities e.g. Science Hub, Science Clusters, Digital Twin Earth, Accelerators to increase potential for follow-on work (higher funding means fewer projects)
o FutureEO – industry has changed and need to follow. Extended beyond just Open Call? ESA procurement? Evolve to more driven by industry without.
• How do we demonstrate how to apply/celebrate success of the Open Call
o Industrial portfolio – early Open Call winner and how it successfully developed (portfolio of web-based stories)
o Clarification of the text of the call for each theme and what is expected in each case and are the categories appropriate?
o Should we produce a black and white guideline for reference
o Should we provide a specific presentation at EO info days?