This networking event welcomes EO scientists and researchers, public entities & NGOs, industry and their foundations, space agencies, delegations and all other stakeholders working in fields that could benefit, or being benefited from, the work on remote sensing of marine litter and debris.
The event aims at putting in contact stakeholders interested to and working in the domain of remote sensing of marine litter, and also from other disciplines focusing on the remote sensing of "floating matter" in the sea and rivers like, e.g., remote sensing of oil spills and macroalgae, that could benefit from each other's research and work, in view to foster international cooperation for data and knowledge exchange. The event intends also to provide a status on the remote sensing of marine litter and debris efforts to the existing social & public networks. In the event the main working groups and networks already operating in the field of remote sensing of marine litter will be introduced to the participants, together with a presentation of the state of the art of the research, objectives and opportunities, also in terms of potential services and business applications. The second part of the event will be structured in an open discussion/interaction format with the intervening audience, stimulating questions, ideas, and generating networking opportunities.