EODC/VITO/WUR/EURAC - openEO platform
Satellite data often needs preprocessing workflows to generate useable analysis ready data (ARD) and the associated workflows are mostly very compute intensive. openEO Platform simplifies these workflows for the user by running the processing on federated compute-infrastructures. Sentinel 1 GRD and Sentinel 2 Level 1 data both require specific processing environment such as SNAP or FORCE to create ARD.
This demo is dedicated to showcase the connection of the client to openEO Platform and the subsequent ARD processing workflow for Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 data. Moreover, basic processing functionalities such as reloading results, band math and displaying ARD will be shown.
Results may be calculated and displayed through multiple clients available in Python, R and Javascript. The demo includes the application of Python / JupyterLab as well as the interaction through the online WebEditor.