MobyGIS/EURAC/Sinergise - eo4alps snow
During wintertime and Spring it is important to monitor snow evolution, not only for outdoor activities or civil protection, but also for hydrological balances of water resources. Eo4alps snow is an ESA funded project aiming to deliver a high-resolution quasi real-time snow monitoring to improve water resource management. It is based on a hybrid technology that merges the advantages of physical modeling with high-resolution high-frequency Earth Observation snow products. In particular, it takes advantage of high-resolution binary snow cover maps from Sentinel-2, SAR data from Sentinel-1 and coarser resolution daily optical images (e.g. Sentinel-3).
The core products are: snow covered area (SCA), snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow depth (HS) at daily update over the Alps that can be easily accessed through a dedicated platform. In this Demo we will present the Platform for the visualisation and download of the maps.
Public and private institutions interested in snow quantification can benefit from eo4alps snow project to better quantify the existing water resource stored in the target area, in order to improve the planning of water availability.