Dr. Ake Rosenqvist | solo Earth Observation (soloEO) | Sweden
Dr. Bruce Chapman | NASA JPL / Caltech
François Charbonneau | Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Dr. Clement Albinet | ESA - ESRIN
Prof. Dr. Danilo Dadamia | CONAE
Matthew Garthwaite | Geoscience Australia
Dr. Josef Kellndorfer
Dr. Marco Lavalle | NASA JPL / Caltech
Tom Logan | Alaska Satellite Facility
Dr. Franz J. Meyer | Alaska Satellite Facility
Nuno Miranda | ESA - ESRIN
Katrin Molch | DLR - German Aerospace Center
Dr. Paolo Pasquali | sarmap sa
Marko Repse | Sinergise
Dr. Andreia Siqueira | Geoscience Australia
Dr. David Small | UZH
Dr. Takeo Tadono | JAXA
Medhavy Thankappan | Geoscience Australia
John Truckenbrodt | FSU Jena
Dr. Fang Yuan | Geoscience Australia
Howard Zebker | Stanford University
Zheng-Shu Zhou | CSIRO Australia
CARD4L (CEOS Analysis-Ready Data for Land) is a joint effort by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) to streamline data flows and enable interoperable products between sensors and data providers, and, specifically, to broaden the Earth Observation user community by provision of data products that do not require expert knowledge to ingest and analyse. This last point is perhaps particularly relevant for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), where the potential to contribute to today’s great environmental challenges with unique information is significant, but with the SAR user community remaining small and expert-oriented even after 25 years of operational SAR missions. CARD4L is an opportunity to bridge that gap.
In a coordinated effort by the CEOS Land Surface Imaging Virtual Constellation (LSI-VC) and the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV) SAR Subgroup, four SAR-specific CARD4L Product Family Specifications (PFS) are considered:
1. Normalised Radar Backscatter (NRB). The NRB product has been subject to Radiometric Terrain Correction (RTC) and is provided in the gamma-0 backscatter convention. It is the most common SAR product and expected to be useful for, in particular, non-expert users.
2. Polarimetric Radar (POL). The POL product format is an extension of the NRB format, required in order to better support Level-1 SLC polarimetric data, including full-polarimetric modes (RADARSAT-2, ALOS-2, SAOCOM and future missions), and hybrid or linear dual-polarimetric modes (i.e., Compact Polarimetric mode available on RCM, SAOCOM and the upcoming NISAR mission). The POL product can be defined in two processing levels:
o The normalised covariance matrix (CovMat) representation which preserves the inter-channel polarimetric phase(s) and maximizes the available information for users.
o Polarimetric Radar Decomposition (PRD) products, derived from coherent or incoherent polarimetric decomposition techniques. The selection of composition product(s) to be offered (e.g., Freeman-Durden, van Zyl, Cloude-Pottier, Yamaguchi-based) are at the discretion of each data provider.
3. Geocoded Single-Look Complex (GSLC). The CARD4L GSLC product describes the complex radar reflectivity on the surface with all propagational phases removed, so that the amplitude and phase values represent properties of the surface and not the instrument. GSLC data are presented in a common, often user-defined, ground based coordinate system (e.g. UTM, geographical coordinates, etc.), rather than in radar slant range coordinates, to facilitate use by non-radar-specialists.
4. Interferometric Radar (INSAR). The CARD4L INSAR product specification covers a suite of three products generated by InSAR processing of (at least) two images captured of the same geographic area at different times:
o Wrapped interferogram: Image of differential phase signals between two SLC images
o Unwrapped interferogram: Image of differential phase signals where the wrapped fringes are summed (“unwrapped”) to give a continuous phase signal across the image
o Interferometric coherence: Image of phase coherence between the two images.
The CARD4L NRB and POL specifications have been endorsed by CEOS LSI-VC and can be accessed on the CEOS ARD website ( The GSLC and INSAR product specifications are at the time of writing (Nov 2021) under development.