Dr. Bianca Maria Dinelli | CNR-ISAC | Italy
Dr. Marco Ridolfi | CNR-INO
Prof. Guido Masiello | Universita degli Studi della Basilicata | Italy
Prof. Carmine Serio | Universita degli Studi della Basilicata | Italy
Dr. Sara Venafra | Universita degli Studi della Basilicata | Italy
Prof. Tiziano Maestri | Universita di Bologna | Italy
Dr. William Cossich | Universita di Bologna | Italy
Dr. Michele Martinazzo | Universita di Bologna | Italy
Dr. Samuele Del Bianco | CNR-IFAC | Italy
Dr. Piera Raspollini | CNR-IFAC | Italy
Dr. Alessio Di Roma | CNR-ISAC | Italy
Dr. Elisa Castelli | CNR-ISAC | Italy
Dr. Enzo Papandrea | CNR-ISAC | Italy
Dr. Claudio Belotti | CNR-INO | Italy
Dr. Giovanni Bianchini | CNR-INO | Italy
In the frame of the study “FORUM-Scienza” (FORUM-Science), funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), a fast code to simulate top of the atmosphere Far InfraRed (FIR) and Thermal InfraRed (TIR) spectral radiances has been developed. The code, named σ-FORUM, is an upgraded version of the fast radiative transfer model developed for IASI (σ-IASI [1,2]). It enables the simulation of both clear and cloudy sky monochromatic radiances, simultaneously computing their derivatives with respect to the injected atmospheric and surface state. σ-FORUM has been embedded in a Bayesian retrieval code (named FAst Retrieval Model - FARM) that enables to invert measured radiances to obtain surface emissivity, surface temperature, and vertical distributions of temperature, trace gases and cloud properties. FARM can be applied to any broadband, spectrally resolved ground-based, airborne or satellite measurement in the FIR and TIR frequency regions (from 50 to 2600 cm-1). Optionally, the code can also operate the synergistic retrieval from co-located measurements of two different sounders, like the ones anticipated for FORUM and IASI-NG.
In this work, we report the structure of FARM, its performance on FORUM simulated measurements, and some results obtained from the analysis of FORUM-like measurements acquired with two FORUM demonstrators, specifically, the REFIR-PAD measurements collected in a stratospheric balloon flight campaign at Teresina (Nord-East Brazil)
[1] Amato, U.; Masiello, G.; Serio, C.; Viggiano, M. (2002). The σ-IASI code for the calculation of infrared atmospheric radiance and its derivatives. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, vol. 17/7; p. 651-667, doi:10.1016/S1364-8152(02)00027
[2] Martinazzo, M.; Magurno, D.; Cossich, W.; Serio, C.; Masiello, G.; Maestri, T. (2021) Assessment of the accuracy of scaling methods for radiance simulations at far and mid infrared wavelengths. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER
[3]L.Palchetti, C.Belotti, G.Bianchini, F.Castagnoli, B.Carli, U.Cortesi, M.Pellegrini, C.Camy-Peyret, P.Jeseck, and Y.Té, (2006) Technical note: First spectral measurement of the Earth s upwelling emission using an uncooled wideband Fourier transform spectrometer, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 6, pp.5025-5030.