Dr. Julien Michel | CNES/CESBIO (CNES/CNRS/UPS/IRD/INRAe) | France
Spatio-temporal fusion in the frame of Sentinel-HR
CNES is currently conducting a phase 0 study for a mission called Sentinel-HR, which aims at providing a higher spatial resolution complement to Sentinel2 or its next generation Sentinel2 NG. The mission would acquire imagery at 2 meters resolution every 20 days, in the four 10 meters bands of Sentinel2 (B2, B3, B4 and B8A) and with the same characteristics as Sentinel2: nadir viewing angle, always on instrument, global coverage. The rationale behind these specifications is that while some applications require both revisit and high resolution, it would be very expensive to acquire 2 meters images at the frequency of Sentinel2 (5 days), or Sentinel2 (NG) (2 or 3 days). On the other hand, changes are mostly driven by radiometry and phenology, while the geometric structure of the landscape remains more stable (e.g. roads, crops limits, buildings . . . ). It therefore makes sense to acquire high resolution details on a less frequent basis.
Yet, because of cloud occurrences, the actual revisit of Sentinel-HR would be way higher than 20 days in some locations, and some users are also interested in both the high resolution and the very frequent revisit. It would therefore make sense to merge information from the Sentinel2 and Sentinel-HR time-series in order obtain a high-resolution, high-revisit synthetic time-series, an operation which is referred to as spatio-temporal fusion in the literature. In this work, which was part of the phase 0 study at CNES, we compared several methods in order to achieve the best high-resolution, high-revisit time-series on a large representative dataset.
In order to simulate joint times-series of high resolution acquisitions every 20 days and intermediate medium resolution acquisition with corresponding high resolution references, we leveraged the syn- ergy between Sentinel2 and Venμs on the full L2A archive distributed by Theia ( The French and Israeli micro-satellite Venμs provides constant viewing angle observations of a se- lection of sites every 2 days with spectral bands close to the Sentinel2 bands , with a spatial resolution of 5 meters [Dedieu et al., 2018]. We can therefore look for an existing Venμs image within 2 days of every Sentinel2 image we select. Both L2A products come from the MAJA pro- cessing chain [Lonjou et al., 2016], which ensures good data consistency and quality. To correct for difference in spectral sensitivities and residual directional effects, a linear regression is performed so as to bring Sentinel2 surface reflectances closer to the Venμs ones. A spatial registration is also performed.h Sentinel2 images are then down-sampled to 25m (or 12.5m) to achieve a resolution ratio of 5 with respect to Venμs, similar to the ratio that would occur between Sentinel-HR and Sentinel2. It should be noted that images are selected without any filtering on cloud cover, as would be real data of the mission. Cloud masks estimated by MAJA are therefore used during prediction and evaluation. Using this process, we generated joint guides and targets time series over 7 different Venμs sites spanning 3 months to a full year depending on the site.
Since the seminal work on STARFM [Gao et al., 2006], a large amount of literature has been devoted to spatio-temporal fusion [Belgiu and Stein, 2019]. However, to the noticeable exception of [Kwan et al., 2018], a lot of work on spatio-temporal fusion focuses on the same Landsat8 and Modis dataset, or uses synthetic data by aggregating the high resolution data to the lower resolution. Such datasets are not representative of the Sentinel-HR and Sentinel2 (NG) fusion problem in terms of resolutions ratio and data quality, and methods developed for their fusion might therefore not be optimal in our case. In order to take a step back, we included in this survey several methods that do not come from the spatio-temporal fusion domain. First, we included naive methods, such as temporal interpolation of the Sentinel-HR images or spatial interpolation of the Sentinel2 images. We also included CARN, a method from the Single-Image Super-Resolution field [Anwar et al., 2020]. Last, we included our own machine learning based method, which performs data-driven interpolation similar to [Lutio et al., 2019] by producing weights for linear interpolation of the high-resolution series with a Multi-Layer Perceptron network.
Preliminary results
Our benchmark works as follows. Given the joint time-series of high-resolution dates (called guides) and low-resolution dates (called targets), we use each candidate method to make a high resolution prediction for each target date, and compute a set of metrics with respect to the high resolution reference available at the target date. The set of computed metrics include all the traditional image quality metrics computed on each spectral band, plus the same metrics computed on the NDVI spectral indice. Additionally, 90% and 99% percentile of the absolute error are also computed. We generated our first results over the ARM Venμs site, an agricultural landscape in North America. Among the different metrics, we focused on the 90% percentile of the absolute error of the NDVI as a proxy for radiometric precision, and on the structural error of the red band, as a proxy for high resolution details accuracy. We observed that temporal interpolation is the most accurate in terms of spatial details but provides the worst radiometric performances. As expected, simple bicubic zoom is the worst method in terms of geometric accuracy but shows more stable performances than temporal interpolation in terms of radiometry. All other methods perform similarly better on radiometric accuracy. On the geometric accuracy side, we observed that CARN algorithm improves on bicubic zoom (which is expected) but remains worse than the historical STARFM algorithm. Our Data Driven Interpolation algorithm seems to perform better than STARFM on this case.
With this work, we aim at giving insight on how Sentinel-HR and Sentinel2 (NG) could be com- bined to form a high resolution, high revisit time series. We plan to include more complex methods from the spatio-temporal fusion domain and perform a more detailed metric analysis, by strat- ifying pixels according to their gradient strength or distance to the last clear pixel, on different kind of landscapes. Our final goal is to provide guidance on the trade-of between methods cost and complexity and expected accuracy gains. We also intend to publish our dataset under a free and open data licence in order to encourage research on spatio-temporal fusion for this range of resolutions.
[Anwar et al., 2020] Anwar, S., Khan, S., and Barnes, N. (2020). A deep journey into super- resolution: A survey. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 53(3):1–34. [Belgiu and Stein, 2019] Belgiu, M. and Stein, A. (2019). Spatiotemporal image fusion in remote sensing. Remote sensing, 11(7):818.
[Dedieu et al., 2018] Dedieu, G., Hagolle, O., Karnieli, A., Ferrier, P., Crébassol, P., Gamet, P., Desjardins, C., Yakov, M., Cohen, M., and Hayun, E. (2018). Venμs: Performances and first results after 11 months in orbit. In IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 7756–7759.
[Gao et al., 2006] Gao, F., Masek, J., Schwaller, M., and Hall, F. (2006). On the blending of the landsat and modis surface reflectance: Predicting daily landsat surface reflectance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote sensing, 44(8):2207–2218.
[Kwan et al., 2018] Kwan, C., Zhu, X., Gao, F., Chou, B., Perez, D., Li, J., Shen, Y., Koperski, K., and Marchisio, G. (2018). Assessment of spatiotemporal fusion algorithms for planet and worldview images. Sensors, 18(4):1051.
[Lonjou et al., 2016] Lonjou, V., Desjardins, C., Hagolle, O., Petrucci, B., Tremas, T., Dejus, M., Makarau, A., and Auer, S. (2016). Maccs-atcor joint algorithm (maja). In Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXI, volume 10001, page 1000107. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
[Lutio et al., 2019] Lutio, R. d., D’aronco, S., Wegner, J. D., and Schindler, K. (2019). Guided super-resolution as pixel-to-pixel transformation. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 8829–8837.