Dr. Kaupo Voormansik | KappaZeta Ltd. | Estonia
Dr. Tanel Tamm | KappaZeta Ltd. | Estonia
Dr. Mihkel Veske | KappaZeta Ltd. | Estonia
Dr. Indrek Sünter | KappaZeta Ltd. | Estonia
Hudson Taylor Lekunze | KappaZeta Ltd. | Estonia
Radar data remains under-utilised because it is still too complex for many potential beneficiaries to analyze and use. The socio-economic impacts of the Copernicus programme could be significantly higher if the data was easier to use. Various government agencies, universities, ICT, GIS and consulting companies would benefit from recent and systematic Sentinel-1 satellite imagery, but the pre-processing steps required to facilitate ease of use and integration with Sentinel-2 data is too complex and time consuming. This is especially the case with interferometric coherence, which is a key variable for change detection. Numerous users prefer to focus on their data analytics, modelling or visualisation tasks instead of doing the pre-processing and image generation by themselves. Therefore, there is a clear need for Sentinel-1 ARD.
The Sentinel-1 ARD API, Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) by KappaZeta (KZ) will satisfy this need. The SAR expertise of KZ helps to take full advantage of the interferometric and polarimetric data content of Sentinel-1. For the end-user, it means calibrated and noise corrected imagery products with the highest possible spatial resolution using advanced speckle suppression methods. Users can browse imagery and compute parameters about their areas of interest that complement optical data and are available regardless of the weather.
Six Sentinel-1 ARD layers are accessible with one click or one API command.
• Time series of calibrated parcel-level statistics (1) of VH, VV backscatter and 6/12-day repeat pass interferometric coherence covering also parcels with small area and complex shape.
• Deep time stacks of calibrated high-resolution VH, VV backscatter (2) and coherence (3) raster datasets.
• Multi-polarisation SAR backscatter image for visual (4) use.
• AI-generated natural colour (RGB) images (5) based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data
• AI-generated NDVI raster images based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data (6).
These services are enablers for AI model development, spatiotemporal analysis, and visual interpretation. All services that output raster images conform both to WMS and WCS standards. Parcel level statistics are made available as compressed CSV files or JSON over API. The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Analysis Ready Data for Land (CARD4L) framework will be followed. The services can be integrated into fully automatic processing chains, information systems, and web map applications. Additionally, these could also be used for ad-hoc model development, visual interpretation, or spatial analysis tasks. KZ Sentinel-1 ARD services can be accessed with general purpose GIS desktop software, machine learning, data mining, and geospatial libraries. KZ Sentinel-1 ARD services have been used by VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences GmbH, The ICON Group Ltd., Finnish Food Authority and others.