The aim of this Agora Open Forum is to foster European-African cooperation on advanced earth observation (EO) and data processing systems as well as their application from an user-driven approach. This event is building on the African European EO High Level Forum under the Portuguese EU Presidency and its related recommendations for enhanced collaboration and developing a common roadmap. The LPS22 Agora will continue this partnership process involving the main African and European stakeholders - European Commission (DG-DEFIS, DG-INTPA, DG-JRC), African Union Commission, African regional/national institutions ESA, and EUMETSAT.
The Agora will discuss how Earth Observation can enable the Digital Transformation in Africa to address different social and scientific challenges of specific importance to Africa laid out in the African Union Agenda 2063, Africa Space Policy and Strategy as well as in the EU communication “Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa”. In this context the “GMES and Africa” initiative implemented by the AUC together with key African stakeholders and EU support is a big step forward to establish Earth Observation services in Africa making optimal use of the Copernicus programme.
Agenda (scheduled Tuesday, 24.05. – 8:30-10:00)
oOpening: welcome & keynotes
-Maurice Borgeaud, Head of Science, Applications and Climate Department – European Space Agency (ESA)
-Hambani Masheleni, Ag. Director Human Resources, Science and Technology – African Union Commission (AUC)
-Mauro Facchini, Head of unit Earth Observation - DG Defense Industrie and Space (DG DEFIS), European Commission
oModerated panel discussion: Moderators Benjamin Koetz, ESA & Andreas Brink, DG JRC
-Tidiane Ouattara, GMES & Africa Program Coordinator, African Union Commission (AUC)
-Andiswa Mlisa, Interim CEO and Managing Director Earth Observation at South African Space Agency (SANSA)
-Islam Abou El-Magd, Vice Chairman and Head of Environmental Division – National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Science (NARSS) of Egypt
-Catherine Ghyoot, Regional & Multi-Country Programmes for Africa - DG International Partnership (DG INTPA), European Commission
-DG JRC: Ivan Kulis, Head of Unit Knowledge for Sustainable Development and Food Security - DG Joint Research Center (DG JRC), European Commission
-Vincent Gabaglio, Strategy and International Relations - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
oOpen Questions & Answers