Inclusivity, representation, and gender equality in science have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Women in STEM, and mothers in particular, felt the greatest brunt of pandemic related changes to their work environments, having to deal with ‘doing science’ while managing children at home and/or homeschooling due to closure of schools and child care services. In the field of remote sensing, a field that already lacked diversity and representation, the COVID-19 pandemic further emphasized known, yet ignored, problems with respect to gender equality and inclusivity. Lack of representation in academic programmes, university staff, research organisations and institutions, lack of funding opportunities for women scientists from developing or underdeveloped countries, as well as lack of women speakers at online webinars and conferences where male panels, or manels, were seen are some of the current issues negatively impacting this field. We believe that it is vital to promote and empower women in the field of remote sensing, and share their stories, be it accomplishments or hardships, by replicating and promoting initiatives that prioritize the support, promotion, and showcasing of women and underrepresented scientists. With this session, we aim to bring together leaders of such initiatives from around the world, such as Ladies of Landsat (Twitter: @LadiesofLandsat), Sisters of SAR (Twitter: @SistersofSAR), IEEE GRSS IDEA (Twitter: @GRSS_IDEA), Women in Copernicus (Twitter: @WomenCopernicus), Women in Aerospace Europe (Twitter: @WIA_Europe), African Women in GIS (Twitter: @africwomeningis), She Maps (Twitter: @shemapsau) and ESA Diversity and Inclusiveness (Twitter: @ESADiversity), to transparently and openly address the challenges women and underrepresented communities face, in order to device pathways and action plans to cultivate and ensure an inclusive future in this field.
• Sabrina Szeto, Women+ in Geospatial
Dr. Polyanna da Conceição Bispo, Lecturer - University of Manchester, founder & chair RSATE
Yana Gevorgyan, Secretariat Director GEO
Meenal Dhande - Geospatial world
Stephanie Tumampos, Doctoral student TU Munich
Dr. Meghan Halabisky - Lead organiser Ladies of Landsat, Research Scientist University of Washington/ Senior Science Advisor DE Africa