Description :
Platforms for the Exploitation of EO data have been developed by public and private companies to foster the usage of EO data and expand the market of Earth Observation-derived information. All platforms have their user communities, but we are still in the pioneering phase rather than at mainstream usage level. This session will discuss which obstacles need to be tackled to boost platform usage on the federation level across platforms. The federation perspective is crucial as many major challenges require the integration of data or services from several platforms. Disasters are linked to climate change, climate change impacts infrastructure, infrastructure again is linked to land use and land use linked to public health. Approaches such as the Network of Resources and common design principles such as Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Common Architecture (EOEPCA) have great potential to help growing user communities, as they promise relevant resources at hand, interoperability between platforms, and hidden complexity to allow existing and new users to focus on their challenges rather than technology. So how do we make the most of our platforms? How do we grow them towards mainstream use?
Ingo Simonis (OGC) - Panel lead
Günther Landgraf (ESA)
Jeroen Dries (Vito)
Pedro Goncalves (terradue)
Wendy Carrara (Airbus)
Tiago Quintino (tbc) (ECMWF)