Description :
What do you think should be the scientific challenges, thematic priorities and cornerstones for an innovative ESA Earth Observation (EO) Science Strategy to guide ESA’s future EO Programmes?
We wish to energise European science, EO users and technology development, and foster scientific synergies. To reach this goal, ESA is exploring a new strategic direction. The new EO Science Strategy will provide stimulus, challenges, and focus towards innovative future EO missions that deliver scientific, societal and economic benefits.
This Agora Deep Dive Session will first introduce the plan and process for establishing a new EO Science Strategy for the next several years. It then features questions and answers, and an open discussion led by ESA’s Advisory Committee for Earth Observation (ACEO) covering important topics such as: Where are the EO observation gaps? What are the key cross-cutting science challenges? What are the thematic priorities? What synergies shall be exploited?
This is a unique chance for you as a user to express your views on the best approach to deliver world-class European EO excellence, and to keep Europe at the forefront of Earth Science.
- Florence Rabier (ACEO Chair, and ECMWF Director General)
-Johnny Johannessen (Chair of Independent Science Review, and Director of Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, University of Bergen)
-Mark Drinkwater (Head of Earth and Mission Science Division, ESA)
-Malcolm Davidson (Head of Campaigns Section, Earth and Mission Science Division, ESA)
-Florence Rabier (ACEO Chair, and ECMWF Director General)
-Johnny Johannessen (Chair of Independent Science Review, and Director of Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, NERSC, University of Bergen)
-Simonetta Cheli (Director of Earth Observation Programs and Head of ESRIN, ESA)
-Maurice Borgeaud (Head of Science, Applications, and Climate Department, ESA)
-Mark Drinkwater (Head of Earth and Mission Science Division, ESA)
Speakers ESA representatives:
• Simonetta Cheli (Head of ESA Earth Observation Programmes)
• Maurice Borgeaud (Head of Science, Applications and Climate Department);
• Mark Drinkwater (Head of Earth and Mission Science Division).